2.1.1 Filling in a birth notification in HERA

Important - the content of the notification form is configurable to fit the requirements from the legislative framework. The elements to display on the form, which ones are mandatory, the applicable validation rules and any default values are fully configurable in HERA. The screens you see in this documentation set only serve as an example.

Once you have logged in successfully, you are directed to page where you can start a new birth notification.

Filling in a birth notification

1. From the New event dropdown menu, select Birth notification.

2. This will bring up a page where all necessary information must be provided in the Child, Mother, Father and Event tabs.

3. Enter all mandatory information in the Childtab. A green checkmark appears and you can proceed to the next tab by clicking Next.

4. Next, information can be submitted about the mother and father. If an identity record is already available for in HERA for the mother and father, the parents can be searched in HERA and selected from the person card . When selected, the relation within the family will be set up and the data in the Mother and / or Father tab will be filled in automatically. The following information for the mother / father can still be updated by the midwife / health staff employee:
- Information about the proof of ID;
- Update of the facial image;
- Occupation of the parent(s).
If the parents are not in the system, the data must be submitted by the registrar / data entry clerk.

5. Finally, information about the birth event can be entered:

6. Only after all mandatory information has been entered in the four tabs, you can click the Submit registration button in the lower right corner of the page.

7. A message appears, asking you to confirm if you really want to submit the birth notification. To finalize the registration, click 'Yes, confirm birth notification'.

A confirmation message will appear stating that the birth notification has been submitted. It shows the name of the newborn child, the date of birth and the UIN number.

Once the birth notification has been submitted, the parent(s) will receive an email with an invitation to go to the registrar's office for declaration.