2.2.1 Filling in a birth declaration

Important - the content of the declaration form is configurable to fit the requirements from the legislative framework. The elements to display on the form, which ones are mandatory, the applicable validation rules and any default values are fully configurable in HERA. The screens you see in this documentation set only serve as an example.

Filling in a birth declaration

Note - for the procedure described below, you need to be logged in as a user with either the 'Registrar role' or the 'Data entry clerk' role.

Follow the steps described below to perform a birth declaration:

1. Select the dropdown list and select Birth declaration

This will bring up a page where all necessary information must be provided in the Child, Mother, Father and Event tabs. As soon as all mandatory information for a tab has been entered, a green checkmark will appear and you can proceed with the next tab.

2. In the Child tab, search for the newborn child using either the birth notification number or a combination of name and date of birth. To search by birth notification number, enter this number in the

3. Select the appropriate birth notification by clicking the Select button. The fields in the Child and Event tabs will now be filled in automatically using the information from the birth notification. If there is no birth notification, close the search results window and fill out all mandatory fields in the Child tab manually.

4. Enter all mandatory information in the Mother tab. Before filling in the form completely, please check if the mother is already known in the HERA system in which case a Person Card should be available. Persons who have already been registered in HERA can be searched using their name and / or date of birth. For example:

If the mother you are looking for is listed, select her from the list. Most mandatory fields will now be filled in automatically with the information from the Person Card. Note that this information cannot be changed here. Should certain information not be (entirely) correct, the correct procedure will be to update the Person Card information. If the mother you are looking for is not listed in the Person cards click the Close search results button and fill in the information manually. Enter the remaining mandatory fields in the ID Documents section of the Mother tab. A green checkmark will appear on the Mother tab as soon as all mandatory information has been supplied.

5. Enter all mandatory information in the Father tab. Before filling in the form completely, please check if the father is already known in the HERA system in which case a Person Card should be available. Persons who have already been registered in HERA can be searched using their name and / or date of birth.

6. Enter all mandatory information in the Event tab. Note that if you have selected an existing birth notification, all data will have been automatically filled in except for the contact details. Once all mandatory information has been entered in the four tabs, the Submit declaration button in the lower right corner will be enabled.

7.Click the Submit application button to finalize the birth declaration. A confirmation message will appear, asking you if you really want to submit this birth declaration. Click Yes, confirm birth declaration to confirm.

Note - HERA will check for possible duplicates. If the user fills out the data for the birth declaration and an exact match is found in the system (based on a child's first name, last name, date of birth and place of birth), the declaration will be marked as duplicate. The user will then see a pop-up with the message “There may be a duplicate birth declaration. Please search and select the right declaration“. A message will appear, stating that the birth declaration has been submitted.

A message will appear, saying that the birth certificate has been sent.

8. The birth certificate submitted will now be displayed on the registrant group overview screen for approval. For more information, see Reviewing and approving a submitted declaration.