III. HERA System Administration

3.1 Introduction
  • HERA User Management - describes tasks related to identity and access management, such as adding and removing a user account in Keycloak.
  • HERA Workflow Management - traces the conditions and steps taken for each registration process in Camunda;
  • HERA Persistent Storage- explains the various data stores in HERA and the type of data stored in each of these data stores;
  • HERA Connected Components- introduces the essential external components bundled with HERA and where to check for troubleshooting;
  • HERA System Monitoring - illustrates the additional HERA monitoring tools offered on top of the features of third-party tools using Grafana.
  • This guide is intended to be used as a companion reference to the respective official documentation and not as a replacement. DevOps tasks, such as deploying or updating a release to a Kubernetes cluster, will not be covered in this document.