2.2.3 Reviewing and approving a submitted declaration

Note:  - for the procedure described below, you need to be logged in as a user with either the 'Registrar role' role.

Step 1 - Assigning a submitted declaration to yourself

On the overview page, a list is shown of all the submitted declarations in your workgroup which need to be approved. In the Assigned to column you can check whether a submitted life vent declaration has already been assigned to one of the registrars in your workgroup:

  • [blank] - indicates that the submitted declaration has not been assigned to anyone yet and can be assigned to yourself.
  • Myself - indicates that the submitted declaration has been assigned to you and is locked for other registrars in the workgroup
  • [Name registrar] - Indicates that the submitted declaration has been assigned to one of the other registrars in the workgroup and is locked for others.
  • Use the following procedure to assign a unassigned submitted life event declaration to yourself.

    1. Select an unassigned submitted life event declaration from the tas

    2. In the lower right corner of the Submitted Birth Declaration page, click the Assign to myself button.

    3. A confirmation message will appear, asking you if you really want to assign this submitted declaration to yourself. Click Yes, assign to myself to confirm.

    The submitted declaration will now be assigned as a task to you and is locked for other registrars in your workgroup. These other members of the workgroup will only be able to view this task. Only the registrar to whom the task has been assigned will be able to review, edit and approve it. On the overview page, the task will be flagged as 'Myself' in the 'Assigned to' column:

    4. Follow the the steps described in step 2 to review the submitted declaration, make any changes if necessary and approve it.

    tep 2 - Reviewing and approving a submitted declarations

    Once you have assigned a submitted declaration to yourself (see step 1), you can review it, make any changes if necessary and approve it.

    1. Review the information in each tab of the submitted declaration. If you need to correct some information, just click the Edit icon ( ) next to the corresponding field and select or enter the correct information.

    1. Click Next to continue to the next tab.

    3. When you have finished reviewing all information, you can click the Approve button in the lower right corner of the last tab. By approving the submitted declaration, it will be officially registered.

    3. A confirmation message will appear, asking you if you really want to approve this submitted declaration. Click Yes, confirm < life event > declaration to confirm.

    A information message will appear stating that the submitted declaration has been approved:

    When you click the Close button, the registration process will be completed and a certificate will be created. You can print the certificate for this life event by clicking the Print certificate button in the lower right corner. Note that when a submitted declaration is approved, the header title is updated. In this case, it has changed from “Submitted Birth Declaration” to “Birth registration “.

    A preview window is shown where you can print the certificate of the life event. For example

    It is also possible to use a scanner application to scan the QR code which is shown in the preview in order to see the first name, last name, date of birth and the certificate number for birth, death and marriage certificates. As soon as the certificate has been printed, the life event will disappear from your task list. Users with the registrar role will be able to search and find a registration using a person's name and date of birth and print it again. For more information, seeSearching for registered persons and related life events.